Ditbureau voor grafische vormgeving


Hemonylaan 24G

1074 BJ Amsterdam

[E] info@ditbureau.nl

[Kvk] 34288881


About Ditbureau

Ditbureau is a design agency specialized in visual communication, brands, print- and interactive design.

Together with our clients we work on clear, powerful visual identities, corporate design concepts and interactive presentations.

We believe that it is essential for organizations and companies to have an explicit and consistent identity in order to attract attention in this period of time that is characterized by increasing abundance of visual information.

Our mission is to create strong visual identities that meet clients' strategic objectives in powerful design. We are aiming for a balance between consistency and change, prolongation while conserving recognition.

Ditbureau designs for both commercial and cultural organizations.

- Beingajellybar

Ditbureau | Beingajellybar


- Leporello Wevers

robert wevers

- Orangefield Trust

Ditbureau | oft

- haas



- illustrations

Ditbureau | Fento