Ditbureau voor grafische vormgeving
  being a jelly bar logopublicatie being a jellybar


‘It’s a sort of Oh! Jell-O! Wow, I could have green, or red, and, you know, after a couple of months maybe I could put some banana in there...’ John Malkovich couldn't get enough of it

Beingajellybar is an dynamic cooperation between an artist and a writing chef.

They develop unique concepts that fit for comsumption on special occasions.

The book "Beingajellybar in De Baarsjes"is the presentation of "Proef De Baarsjes " (Taste The Baarjes), een interactive jellybarinstallation
during "Juni Kunstmaand in De Baarsjes" .


proef de baarsjes | being a jellybar


publicatie being a jellybar


publicatie being a jellybar

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