Ditbureau voor grafische vormgeving

Yvonne Zonderop
Journalistieke Producties

After years of working as a journalist for a prominent Dutch daily newspaper, Yvonne Zonderop started her own journalistic production company.

Renting out her comprehensive experience as a journalist, editor, publicist, advisor and moderator, the companies' identity should be above all very personal.
Her career as a journalist, adjunct head editor, and initiator of the opinion volume 'het Betoog' by her former employer 'de Volkskrant' is reflected in visual identity of Zonderops' production company.
Color bars as used to identify how colors have to be displayed on every page of a newspaper returning as basic elements in the stationeries and interactive media. Typeface for content: Courier, originally designed by Howard "Bud" Kettler to resemble the output of a strike-on typewriter.


yvonne zonderop


yvonne zonderop


website [archive]:

yvonne zonderop